Music Machines does not manufacture anything. If
you think you are sending email to the manufacturer
of your whatever, you are wrong. Please
contact the manufacturer directly.
Do not send your email as an HTML attachment. Netscape mail
often does this. HTML mail will not be read.
If you expect a reply, please make sure your email
address is correct. duh!
Please be explicit about what part of the web site you may be
commenting on.
If you are looking for a manual or other specific
information about a synth: if it isn't on music machines,
we don't have it. You might try looking for the
manufacturer on the web or
All email sent to music machines is the property of music machines
and may be published at this site.
Music Machines gets a lot of email -- your email won't
necessarily be answered right away (or at all!).
Suggested links are saved up and updated periodically.