From Wed Nov 22 11:35:35 1995 22 Nov 95 14:35:13 +0500 5 Oct 95 16:56:27 +0500 (5.67b/IDA-1.5 for; Thu, 5 Oct 1995 16:39:57 -0400 Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 16:39:56 -0400 (EDT) From: "D.A.C. Crowell" Subject: EMS 5000 info Okay, someone wanted to know the info on the EMS 5000, and I just happen to have the data here. Before I go on with this, though, I'd just like to point out the price: UKP 6500. Got that? Let it be a sobering reminder as we run down all these goodies, because lots of you are going to want one, but they _just ain't cheap_... Okay, here's the more or less relevant data: 22 channels, each with a analysis filter, envelope follower, slew limiter, VCA and a second synthesis filter. Analysis filters are 8-pole bandpass on 205, 249, 303, 367, 444, 539, 653, 791, 958, 1161, 1406, 1703, 2064, 2500, 3030, 3670, 4447, 5388, and 7888 Hz, with the other two filters being HP and LP at the band range ends. Rolloff of 24 dB/8ve, with adjacent channel rejection of 16 dB at the neighboring center frequency. Envelope followers have a dynamic range of 54 dB, and all filters have a CV input to externally control synthesis channel gain, with CV inputs being available on a multipin connector on the rear of the vocoder that, apparently, was designed to interface with the Computer-Synthi. Envelope outputs from the input channels are 0 to -4V linear w/ respect to signal levels, CV inputs are 0 to +4V, same linearity. Pitch extractor stage produces a CV proportional to the log of the frequency of the glottal pulses in the speech input. Frequency range here is 50 - 1000 Hz, with a response time of 20 ms. This stage sends two different CV-outs: +.5 V/8ve and from +1.1 to -1.1 V/8ve. This stage also has a LP filter: 100-1000 Hz. 2 VCOs: 1 Hz - 10 kHz. Square and ramp outputs, +.5 V/8ve response. One noise source, also. VCOs have controls for gating, frequency, level, pitch extraction, external CV, and kybd input, noise source has controls for gating, level,and noise color. Input detector (EMS calls this the "Voiced/unvoiced detector"): provides gating, basically, with status lights for open or closed states. Slew/Freeze control can be manually operated with a variable control or freeze switch, plus external CVs of 0 - +1V. Frequency shifter stage (yep...there's one on here!) has a range of .05 Hz to 1 kHz, with carrier breakthrough less than 60 dB, and outputs for up-shift, down-shift, original and mixed signals. Patching by the typical EMS matrix, 22 x 22 patchpoints. Inputs are 10K unbalanced, -20 dBm minimum, outputs are 0 dBm unbalanced. low impedance, plus a "spectrum display" output for an X-Y display; this is via two 75 ohm BNC connectors. All levels (speech input, excitation input, output) monitored via three PPM meters. Unit takes 110 or 220 VAC, 80 W. Size: 35" x 9.5" x 21.5", 45 lbs. Not small. And just remember: UKP 6500. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\ "People usually think that the arts should D.A.C. Crowell |only entertain, but that is not the role of Audio Design and Programming |the arts at all. The role of the arts is to The Aerodyne Works |explore the inner space of man; to find out Champaign, IL, USA. |how much and how intensely he can vibrate, |through sound, through what he hears, |whichever it is. They are a means by which artists/dac_crowell |to expand his inner universe. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>/ -- Karlheinz Stockhausen