From Tue Sep 13 11:16:06 1994 Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 08:23:23 -0700 (PDT) From: atomic city To: Analogue Heaven Mailing List Subject: Casio samplers: HARD FACTS NOT GUESSES *siiiiigh* Okay, kids, listen up. The FZ series are all eight-voice, 16-bit linear samplers, the first ever marketed at less than Fairlight prices (the standards of the day were 12-bit linear from Japan and various interpolated methods from America). They are also the first keyboards to come with large LCDs as standard equipment, starting a trend that Casio doesn't get enough credit for. The differences are as follows: The FZ-1 is a keyboard and comes standard with 1 Meg of RAM, upgradable to 2 Meg with an expansion board. It has a single mono output. The FZ-10M and FZ-20M are rackmount units that come standard with 2 Megs of RAM and cannot be expanded further. The FZ-20M has SCSI. Unlike the rack versions of other samplers, they do not have extra outs, just the mono out like the FZ-1's. There are no other differences. On related matters.... I would like to add my two cents' worth about people not volunteering unverified or partial answers to questions they don't really know the answers to. I've been guilty of this myself at times, and these days I scan ahead on my daily mail, often let questions sit for a day or two, and see if someone more knowledgeable than I am will pick it up before I have to. When I don't have hard facts to put forward, I offer what I do know as anecdotal evidence and label it as such very clearly. In this case, for example, I winced through five posts of which only one was complete and correct and all were contradictory, before posting myself with the facts. I rather wish I didn't have to do this. And as anyone who wasn't too lazy to pick up a phone could have found out, the company in question has none of the abovementioned samplers in stock right now other than one (count'em) FZ-10M. It seems that they had a mysterious run of calls this morning, almost as if they'd been advertised in a new place all of a sudden.... Lisa and Brian are very nice folx, and fairly able to field simple tech questions. If you want a FZ-20M, though, you're going to have to get in line. -- mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh drat, these computers are so naughty and so complex, I could just PINCH them." (m. t. martian) From Tue Sep 13 13:15:28 1994 Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 10:44:26 -0700 (PDT) From: atomic city To: Analogue Heaven Mailing List Subject: D-OH!! (Casio correction) I KNEW I was missing something in that Casio post! The FZ series DOES in fact have individual mono voice outs; there are eight of them on ALL the models, plus a mono mix out. In that respect, the racks and keyboard are no different. Sorry about that. All other data in that post now doublechecked.... -- mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh drat, these computers are so naughty and so complex, I could just PINCH them." (m. t. martian) From chandler@nethost.multnomah.lib.or.usThu Apr 20 10:58:19 1995 Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 18:06:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Bunny Poop on JP6 EPROM To: Eli Brandt Cc: analogue heaven Subject: Re: FZ-1 On Wed, 19 Apr 1995, Eli Brandt wrote: > metlay said: > > Cord Mueller writes-- > > >Does anybody what filters are in the FZ-1?? Are they digital or analogue? A > > >friend mentioned that '85 there were no resonance digital filters! > > > > Heavens no! As late as 1990 there weren't any, actually, in affordable > > machines. I have two FZ-1's w/exp memory. They have digital resonant filters with cutoff freq and resonance adjustable within 0-127 range. The velocity can influence the filter amounts +/- 0-127 and the LFO can be set to 0-127 filter influence also. There are seperate 8stage envelopes (with a graphic mode to *see* the envelopes, FWIW!) for the filter. The mod wheel can open/close the filter within an adjustable range also. The freq range is quite wide. The resonant filters don't *quite* self-oscillate, but they sound great. Oh, the FZ-1 aftertouch can be set to influence the filter amount or filter env amount also 0-127. I'm amazed that you can have eight voices with all kinds of filter stuff going on at once w/different lfos and it can still sound clear and seperate. I'm easily impressed, I guess. You can combine/crossfade/reverse patches with different filters into one sample data voice, start over again, and tweak it further, so you can layer filters/resonances/envelopes that way pretty indefinitely... FZ-1 Ancient Secret(tm) programming technique! WHOOPS!!! FORGET THE ABOVE!!!!!! THE FZ-1 IS ACTUALLY WORTHLESS!! Especially the fz-20m--those are particularly stupid, so give them to me; I'll dispose of them properly. Look-----> BbBbBbBbBbBb %-o %-P I'm crazy, don't get a FZ-1, yeah! That tech stuff was just insane babbling. they suck, that's it!!!!! Yeah!!!!! they SUCK!!!!! ---- ;) David Chandler - (503)301-3011 grep -i casio goodwillbins >> mystudio ; grep -i atari goodwillbins >> mystudio ; Hey, whose .sig file is that after my name?!?!?!??! casio sucks!!!!!!! CASIO SUCKS, FOR A SMALL FEE, I WILL DISPOSE OF CASIO EQUIPMENT FOR YOU, PLEASE EMAIL IMMEDIATELY SO WE CAN RID THE MARKET OF THIS JUNK. ;)