Prophet 3000 Memory Map note: A19 - A23 of 68HC000 not connected address (hex) low high decimal bytes device ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x000000 0x003fff 16K boot eprom 0x02[01]xxx IOCS region 0x020000 0x0200ff floppy 0x020200 0x020202 4 (even) midi uart 0x020400 0x020401 2? a/d converter 0x020600 0x0206ff 256(even) I-627 0x020800 0x02087f 128 S&H DAC 0x020a00 0x020a00 1 clears dma intr 0x020c00 0x020c00 1 misc out- floppy, a/d filter 0x020e01 0x020e01 1 misc in- ready signals 0x021000 0x021000 1? clim sec? (B) I-630 0x021200 0x02120f 16? scsi 0x021400 0x021400 1? sram 0x021600 0x021600 1? floppy operation 0x021800 0x021800 1? floppy con 0x021a00 0x021a00 1? read smpte 0x021c00 0x021c00 1? write smpte 0x021e00 0x021e02 4 (even) ctrl panel uart 0x040000 0x07ffff 256k scratchpad ram hardware interrupt vectors: level 1: 040024 level 2: 04002a level 3: 040030 level 4: 040036 level 5: 040038 level 6: 04003e level 7: 04001e (not used -- same vector as most exceptions) device notes: boot eprom (2 x 27C64): chip enable: ROMCS eproms (16k). floppy controller (WD 37C65): chip enable: FLOPPY need info/data sheets on this midi uart (68B50): chip enable: MUART vanilla midi uart, addressed with 2 consecutive even addresses a/d converter (2 x 74HC595) chip enable: ADC audio sample data is input serially via these two shift registers. Reading from this address latches the 16 bit value onto the 68k's data bus. I'm guessing the a/d must be polled to check when a sample is ready to be read into main memory. Check data sheet for CX20018. I-627 chip enable: I-627 semi-custom chip. Handles interface between 68k and sample memory (yup- the 68k doesn't directly touch the sample ram). Has a good chunk of 68k address space devoted to it...any info on this chip would be very useful. S&H DAC chip enable: SHDAC writing to this address space handles all audio output. D4-15 get latched to a 12 bit D/A converter which get routed to a CEM3387 for a particular voice (based on the address). This controls the cutoff freq, volume, pan, resonance and 3 pole cv (?) of any of the CEM3387 chips. I think two writes are necessary: the first to send the 12 bits to the D/A converter, the second to actually latch the value onto the 3357 (check the 3357 data sheet to confirm). The SHDAC line is also responsible for latching the sample data into I-629. Here the 16 bit value is serially converted and sent to 1 of 8 PCM56P D/A converters. (how does the sample get from sample memory to I-629?) clear dma intr chip enable: CLRDMA enabling this address clears the flip flop that signals a dma interrupt. miscalenous outputs chip enable: MISCOUT D8-13 of the data bus get latched into an HC174. These control various outputs: D8: this sets/clears a relay which controls the left/right main outputs. The main audio outputs can be enabled/disabled by this bit. D9,10: filter select. Selects which lowpass filter the sample input uses, both for left and right channel. Decoding: D9 D10 filter -- --- ------ 0 0 20 khz 0 1 12 khz 1 0 6 khz 1 1 n/c (ground) D11: motor on. Turns on the motor for the 3.5" floppy drive D12: TC. ??? some input on the floppy controller D13: FLOPRST. Resets the WD 37C65 floppy controller. miscallenous inputs chip enable: MISCIN like miscout, but this is a read only address. Data bits D0 - D5 can be read for the following info: D0: ADCRDY. Signals that the A/D converter is ready. This signal is generated by I-630, one of the custom chips. D1: CC. No clue what it's for, generated by I-630 and also goes to the CX20018 A/D converter. D2: SMPTERDY. signals that the SMPTE cpu is ready for a write. D3: this is the state of the footswitch input. D4: INDEX. Generated by the WD 37C65 floppy controller (IDX). D5: DISKINT. The floppy controller is requesting an interrupt (hmm... this must be polled). clim sec chip enable: CLIMSEC enabling this address sets the CLIMSEC line on I-630. No clue what it does. scsi chip enable: SCSI enables the I-628 and probably the NCR5380 chips. Note that D0-7 on both I-628 and NCR5380 can toy with the 68k's data bus through the DBSEL line from I-628. sram chip enable: SRAM through I-628, this enables the sample ram. No clue on how. floppy operation chip enable: FLDOP enables the floppy controller line LDOP. floppy con chip enable: FLDCON enables the floppy controller line LDCR. read smpte chip enable: RDSMPTE clears the interrupt generrated by incoming smpte. Latches 8 bits of data from smpte cpu onto 68k data bus. write smpte chip enable: WRSMPTE sets interrupt on smpte cpu. 8 bits of data from 68k data bus is latched into register for smpte cpu to read. ctrl panel uart chip enable: CPUART enables 68B50 uart for reading/writing to control panel. scratchpad ram chip enable: RAS/CAS/OE generated by I-630