From PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA Mon Jul 8 10:09:52 1996 8 Jul 96 13:09:50 +0500 2 Jul 96 09:11:14 +0500 From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA 2 JUL 96 09:06:07 EDT Date: 2 JUL 96 13:02:36 EDT Subject: SH-101 = TB-303 X-Complete-Subject: SH-101 = TB-303 X-Delivered: Tue Jul 2 09:05:58 1996 Hi all, I just thought that I would pass along some info to all those who are wanting TB-303's yet have only SH-101's. I'm one of the believers that feels any half descent synth can clone a 303 sound easily. I think that 303's are limited and cost too much. In fact a 101 can do almost everything a 303 can do and 1 million other sounds too. You just have to know your synth well to get the sound from it. I'll agree that a synth with 2 envelopes is much easier than 1 envelope for getting the exact 303 sound, never the less I have done it with such single enveloped synths including the 101. Actually here is a list which I have had success with: (SH-1, SH-101, Juno-60, Juno-106, Pro-One, M- 1000,uWave). In the case of the SH 101, it is perfect for emulating a 303 because of it's circuitry and most importantly its sequencer. Most will argue that the 303 sound is fairly unique due to it's sequencer's ability to "slide". The 101 sequencer has a little know feature called "slur"/"tie" that enables "slides" akin to it's 303 cousin. To use this feature you must first configure the synth properly. 1. Place Portamento on "Auto" 2. Adjust for mild portamento 3. Dial up a 303 sound 4. Place ENV mode to "Gate" 5. Program the sequence * * to get the "slur"/"Slide" effect, simply press and hold the "leggato" button before pressing the note to slide to. Following this, release both buttons and continue programming the sequence. On playback, you can adjust the portamento level to control the slur's rate. Also, modulating the VCF cut off with a little S/H "Random" LFO makes a nice effect. You can also try placing the envelope mode to "LFO" and adjusting the ADSR for nice variants. Unfortunately the SH-101 lacks Accent so I will concede here with hard core/floor 303'ers. Hope this saves someone about $800 From Fri Jul 12 11:49:49 1996 12 Jul 96 14:49:36 +0500 12 Jul 96 07:55:43 +0500 X-Authentication-Warning: globalwm owned process doing -bs Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 07:50:28 -0400 (EDT) From: "" Subject: Re: SH-101 = TB-303 Forwarding a post from Originally, he posted that the 101 can just about emulate the 303 at $800 cheaper. I asked him for a sample 303 "patch" which he most graciously provided. Thanks Philip! - Anthony ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: 11 JUL 96 11:28:05 EDT From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA Subject: Re: SH-101 = TB-303 Hi, Sorry for the delay, it was a busy week. Here are the 101=303 settings. Modulator LFO/Clk Rate: 5 Waveform: Random VCO Mod: 0 Range: 16 PW: 10 mode: Man Mixer Pulse: 0 Ramp: 10 Sub: 0 Mode: 1oct Noise: 0 VCF Freq: 4 to 4.5 Res: 5.5 to 6.5 Env: 6 Mod: 0 Kybd: 10 VCA mode: Gate ENV Mode: Gate+Trig A: 0 D: 1 to 3 S: 0 R: 0 Portamento: 3-6 (Auto) Transpose: L To get the sound to your liking, just slightly adjust: ENV decay, VCF cutoff, res, env, kybd To get great "blurred" slides when using that legato trick I told you. Put the ENV mode to "Gate" (Cool effect) To vary the general sound slightly, try setting the VCO range to 8' and add some sub Osc. To really make a cool sound, use the VCF Mod slider while tweaking the cutoff and res. By playing a sequence and having the VCF modulated randomly by the LFO and using the legato trick with env in Gate mode, Really moving grooves can be made Enjoy Philip