From Tue Apr 30 09:04:57 1996 30 Apr 96 12:04:40 +0500 30 Apr 96 10:59:57 +0500 5: 46 -0700 by (8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id QAA12413 for ; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 16:45:22 +0200 Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Anders Wikholm" Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:45:12 +0000 Subject: Re: MS-20 X-Pmrqc: 1 Priority: normal > Anyway, one simple "mod" that requires no work: > insert a cable only halfway into the CV-in for LPF or HPF. This way the EG > won't be disconnected when using external CV control! So an external CV signal > controls the filters just like tweaking the "cutoff frequency" knob. > This'll often sound better than when the EG is disconnected. Whaaaaaat? I've used an MS20 since 1978 and haven't discovered this... If I'd known it I would have used it about 43 thousand times. Well, it's never to late.... Thanks for a great tip! /AW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Anders Wikholm ( aka MOULIN NOIR ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------