From Jun 22 10:00:11 1995 Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 05:39:22 PDT From: To: Subject: Doepfer A100 Modular System Just bought the new edition of Sound On Sound mag here in the UK and it has a little article on the Doepfer A100 modular system. Thought I'd copy it to all of you..... --------------------------------------------- DOEPFER'S MODULAR MIRACLE (Sound On Sound July 1995) Those clever German chappies at Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH have announced the impending arrival of their A100 Modular System, perfectly timed in an age where much-sort-after Moog modulars are reaching extortionate five-figure territory. Even Roland's discontinued System 100M, seen by many as the poor man's equivalent, fetches around 1500UKP for a basic five-module configuration. With this in mind, Doepfer's modular system looks set to be incredibly good value for money, as modules are expected to be priced below 100UKP - but this does depend on the ever-fluctuating Deutschmark exchange rate! Judging from the accompanying photograph, the system is both attractively styled and clearly laid out. This is very important for the unwary who decide to dabble in the potentially confusing world of modular subtractive synthesis - even Doepfer themselves recommend "a good theoretical grounding". The company will be issuing a binder for the instrument's manual, so that further manuals for individual modules purchased later can be slotted in - a nice touch. 25 modules are currently confirmed, with six more on the drawing board. Basic modules scheduled for shipping before June 1995 include: A110 VCO - voltage-controlled oscillator with sawtooth, rectangle, triangle and sine waveforms; adjustable rectangle pulsewidth; hard sync input and two pulsewidth voltage controlled inputs. A118 Noise/Random - offers white, coloured, red and blue noise sources with random rate and level controls. A120 VCF1 - voltage-controlled low-pass 24dB-per-octave filter with three frequency control voltage inputs; audio input with attenuator and resonance control capable of self-oscillation. A130 VCA - voltage-controlled 'linear' amplifier with two control voltage inputs; manual gain-control and two audio inputs. Also available as A131 voltage-controlled 'logarithmic' amplifier, with same features. A138 Mixer - with four audio inputs and rotary level controls, and one audio output socket and level control. A140 ADSR - voltage-controlled four-stage envelope generator; two gate inputs; two outputs and one inverted output. A150 LFO - low-frequency oscillator with three ranges, from sub-LFO to audio (5kHz); triangle, rectangle, sine, rising and falling sawtooth waveforms; and sync input for synchronised start. Orders are being taken on a 'first come, first served' basis. Doepfer recommend contacting UK distributor Future Age Music Express for details concerning additional modules. Future Age Music Express, PO Box 387, 1A Buckingham Road, London, N22 6SF Tel: 0181 880 0616 --------------------------------------------- Looks like I better start saving the pennies..... --Jez