From Fri Jan 14 04:36 GMT 1994 Received: from by with SMTP (16.6/16.2) id AA04988; Fri, 14 Jan 94 04:36:25 GMT Return-Path: Received: from by with SMTP ( id AA12981; Fri, 14 Jan 94 04:40:15 GMT Received: from by with SMTP (5.67b/IDA-1.4.4/MOT-2.15 for ) id AA23322; Thu, 13 Jan 1994 22:40:21 -0600 Received: from by with SMTP (5.67b/IDA-1.4.4/MOT-2.15) id AA06278; Thu, 13 Jan 1994 22:40:19 -0600 Received: from localhost by (8.6.4/3.910213) id EAA07555; Fri, 14 Jan 1994 04:39:37 GMT Errors-To: Sender: Received: from by (8.6.4/3.910213) id XAA07544; Thu, 13 Jan 1994 23:39:28 -0500 Received: from by (5.65c/ISnet/14-10-91); Fri, 14 Jan 1994 04:39:23 GMT Received: from by (5.65c/RHI/10-11-93); Fri, 14 Jan 1994 04:39:22 GMT From: (Olafur Gunnlaugsson) Received: by ( id AA23540; Fri, 14 Jan 94 04:39:22 GMT Message-Id: <> Subject: c/v standards /Kenton To: Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 4:39:22 GMT Status: RO I have just received a catalogue from Kenton England, in view of the recent discussion of c/v gate standards I thought the info given by Kenton for interfacing the various synth to their interface could help someone out there with their interfacing problems. And Roland tb303 fans, there is something of interest near the bottom. Note that the Kenton has 2 channels of c/v, gate, S-trigger, 2 aux and an optional Hz/V control for controlling logarithmically controlled synths like the Yamaha CS & CS/M series and the Korg MS series. Also an arpeggio clock output and Roland DIN 24ppq output. The info below should be apply to all other MIDI to c/v gate convertors if you take the following into account: S-trigger vs Gate: many convertors only have gate out, this is not really a problem, inverting a gate into S-t is dead simple, add the following : ----> S-Trigger __________________ ____/____________ | | | / | ->--- |10 K/ohm resistor |---->----| / n-p-n | |__________________| | \ Transistor | | \ | | V | |_______\_________| | Earth The transistor being a general purpose n-p-n like the BC 547. Do not be afraid to do this conversion yourself, the transistor is so cheap that even if you make a mistake and inadvertently blow one, just replace it, a transistor of this type costs 10c or so, and it has only 3 pins, so if you have never done any electronics before buy a few and jump into it :-). if you want both g & s-t, just add a switch. Aux : This is rare on other convertors, useful for controlling filters VCA's etc, if your synth has such inputs, on modular or patchable synths this can control almost anything you like, and can be used as a trigger also, but note that you can use the c/v signal instead if you have a multi channel converter like the PAIA. Hz/v: This is likely to be the main problem area, rarely seen on convertors, and I understand the Hz/v to 1v/o processors made by by Korg and Yamaha are rarely seen, so if you plan to by a convertor take note of this. Stereo Jacks & Clich-Jones : Stereo jacks are wired a bit differently than the usual mono jacks, the body is the same on both, but you must soldier the ring connector of the stereo jack to the tip of the mono, not tip to tip. Clinch-Jones (often seen on loudspeakers) connectors are used on some older Moog gear for the S-trigger, it looks vaguely like a DIN connector with 2 flat blades, soldier the narrow blade to the tip of the jack plugs, and the wide blade to the body. Note also that Roland, Digisound & ARP Use 3.5 mm jacks, all other use standard 1/4" audio jacks. Synth Output on Pro-2: Notes: MiniMoog Oscillator Input CV Channel OSC affected by last note played on Keyb S-Trig in S-Trigger Needs 3.5 jack to Clinch-Jones leads Filter Input Aux 1 Controls filter cutoff Loudness Aux 2 Moog Prodigy KBD In/out CV Channel Early models have NO cv, gate or filter S-Trigger I/O S-Trigger inputs, but can easily be added by VCF in Aux 1 technicians. Some Prodigy's use Clich- Jones connectors on S-trigger. Moog Rouge CV in CV Channel Uses stereo jacks V-trig in Gate Unlike other Moog's do not use S-Trigger Moog Source CV I/O CV Channel Uses stereo jacks S-trigger in S-trigger If the level 2 EXT TRIG is off, all external triggering is defeated. Roland SH-101 CV Input CV Channel Filter and modulation input can easily be Gate input Gate added on this synth, see below. External Click Arpeggio click Runs the internal seq. in time with MIDI, not in time with the c/v gate. Sequential Pro-One CV in CV Channel Gate in Gate Filter in Aux 1 Controls filter cutoff. Korg MS-20 Vco 1+2 CV in Hz/v Requires the Hz/v option Trig in S-Trigger Any other Aux1 As the MS20 is patchable you can control Any other Aux2 what you like with the aux outputs Korg Mono/Poly CV in CV Channel M/P's c/v starts 1 oct higher than standard Trig in Gate Set M/P's trigger polarity to +15 volts VCF fcM in Aux 1 Adjust Pro-2's aux trimmer to +5 volts Porta Aux 2 As Aux1, works inverted, (portamedo on/off) Yamaha CS30 Key Volt in Hz Channel Requires Hz/v option Trig in S-Trigger ARP Odyssey (late models) & ARP Axxe CV inputs CV Channel Gate input Gate Connecting the Trigger in is not needed. ARP 2600 CV input CV Channel Gate input Gate Trig input Aux 2 Set the aux2 to trigger and offset to zero VCF input Aux 1 Kenton say that C/V gate inputs are easily added to Octave cat, Roland tb 303, MC 202, early Moog prodigy, early ARP Odyssey and Korg Mini 700. But not to Jen 1000 and OSCar, but they have stocks of the OSC MIDI mod, so fans take note. As for Roland Tb-303, Kenton will put c/v gate in and Filter control for 35 pounds. Or c/v gate in + filter, slide and accent control for 45 pounds. Extra c/v inputs of the MC-202 can be added, by-passing the quantisiser of the MC-202 sequencer, so you can slide notes etc and improve the response time, that mod + filter control costs 35 pounds. And finally they can add Filter and modulation controls for the SH-101 for 35 Pounds. Kenton also makes MIDI retrofits for the Following synths: Oberheim OBX/OB-8/OBXa, Oberheim OB-1, Oberheim DMX, Sequential Pro one, Prophet 5 rev2x, Prophet 5 rev3x, PPG Wave, Korg Polysix, Korg Trident, Korg Mono/Poly, Korg BX3, Korg CX3, Memorymoog, MiniMoog, Moog Prodigy, Moog Source, Roland Jupiter 8, Roland Juno 6 & 60, Roland VP-330 Vocoder, Roland SH-101, Roland TB-303, Roland TR 808, Roland CR-78, Yamaha PF15/PF10/YP40, Rhodes Chroma, Yamaha CS70M, Yamaha CS 80, ARP Odyssey, ARP 2600, Linndrum MK1, Simmons SDS 5. The Kenton products are sold in the USA by Analogics & Wine Country Productions, sometimes under their own name. Kenton Electronics Rear of 137-165 Hook Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 5AR England Tel # 081-974-2475 Fax # 081-974-2485 Hope this helps someone. 'Oli --