From Fri Feb 23 08:12:57 1996 23 Feb 96 11:12:49 +0500 22 Feb 96 16:48:06 +0500 Date: Thu, 22 Feb 1996 15:00:55 -0600 (CST) From: Brien P Campbell Cc: Adam Muntner , Subject: Re: DIN Sync Pinouts?! > > I was just looking in the archives for info on DIN sync pin layouts. I > > want to build a 1 in 3 out DIN thru box tonight and have all the parts, > > but I'm not sure which or if all wires carry signal. My voltmeter is not > > here today, i think it's at work. Anyone who knows want to help me before I > > just wire them all up? > > 1 start/stop > 2 gnd > 3 tempo clock > 4 reset & start > 5 fill in / cont. To clarify what has already been posted, the pins are as follows: pin 2 pin 5 pin 4 pin 3 pin 1 * * * * * (Excuse the drawing) This is looking at the rear view of the connector. The pins are basically what has been posted: pin # tr-808 tr-606/tb-303 cr-1000 1 start/stop start/stop start/stop 2 ground ground ground 3 tempo clock tempo clock tempo clock 4 reset tap not used 5 fill in not used not used The control voltage is 0 to +5 volts DC. This info. is from an old Roland Users Group magazine I have. Brien From Fri Dec 8 14:45:31 1995 From: 8 Dec 95 17:45:25 +0500 Organization: Pharmacology, SUNY Stony Brook Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 17:48:52 EST Subject: Forwarded: Re: Sync box (homemade info needed) Priority: normal Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 13:34:08 -0800 (PST) From: MACHINE MEDIA Subject: Re: Sync box (homemade info needed) Cc: Electronica > I need to make a multi port roland din/sync box. I seem to remember a Doesn't everyone?? > Ideally it would be a two in, four out that would allow me to split > between either in 1 or 2 but to be honest I am not very technically > inclined and if it would be much easier I'd just as soon have a one in, > four out. Then wire them in parallel. > I can buy some part from radio shack and solder easy enough. What do I > solder to what? Any graphics or step by step guides for such a project > would be greatly appreciated, I don't want to birng a 202 just to do > multiple sync conversion and then have everything die when I put in a new > pattern live. Help! OK, the Rat Shack part for a female chassis mounted 5-pin DIN is 274-005C. Buy a bunch of them, install them in some sort of box and wire them in parallel (ie. pin 1 on one goes to pin 1 on all the others). Looking at the socket from the bottom going clockwise left-to-right they are numbered 3, 5, 2, 4, 1. All x0xboxes use pins 1, 2 & 3. Some use others as well such that: 1 - Run/Stop 2 - Ground 3 - Clock 4 - Tap 5 - Continue For example a 606 & 303 use pin #4 (tap), but not #5. A 202, 909, & 707 use #5 (continue) but not # 4. The only expception to this is the TR-808, where: 1 - Start/Stop 2 - Ground 3 - Clock 4 - Reset & Start 5 - Fill In PEACE OUT :) MARK