From tmoravan@netcom.comFri Jul 28 15:22:36 1995 Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 13:02:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Moravansky To: analog Subject: Good summer readin' It looks like I picked a good time to take a 2 week vacation. After slogging for 2 hours through back messages, I see that my name was only mentioned twice, both times in a (generally) positive context. Anyway - to the original poster looking for books on analog synthesis; here's a list of what I have/read the best intro: The Complete Guide to Synthesizers by Dvearahi ISBN: 0-13-160630-1 Electronic Music; Systems, Techniques, and Control by Allen Strange ISBN: 0-697-03612-X Analog Electronic Music Techniques by Joel Naumann and James Wagoner ISBN: 0-02-873140-9 other books about analog synthesizer: Keyfax 3 (look for 2 if you're into monosynths) by Julian Colbeck ISBN: 1-870951-03-4 Vintage Synthesizers (or buy all back issues of Keyboard) by Mark Vail ISBN: 0-87930-275-5 The Whole Synthesizer Catalogue edited by Tom Darter ISBN: 0-88188-396-4 The Museum of Synthesizer Technology by Martin J. Newcomb ISBN: no ISBN number other: The Art of Electronics (2nd edition) by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill ISBN: 0-521-37095-7 -- _______________________________________________________________________________ Tom Moravansky quiet electronics