Date: Mon, 26 Dec 94 10:59:20 -0800 From: Monster1 and Monster2 are my unit -- 1 being the main unit, 2 being the keyboard and "expander" box. Contents as follows: Monster1, left to right, top then bottom row: 3 x dual VCO, blank space for 4th dual vco, dual 6 in, 4 out mono mixer (2 'normal', 2 inverted outs, dc coupled), VC LPF, with space for a second on the lower half of the panel, 2 x dual vca/dual env. gen., space for 2 more panels. dual timbre modulator plus power connect panel, square-wave frequency-division cross-product module, waveform animator/ring modulator/noise module, with space for a filter (or some such) remaining on panel, switch panel for control signal routing (incomplete -- keyboard/gate/trigger/spare is all that's installed), another dual 6-in 4-out mixer as on upper panel, 4th order state variable filter with mixer for the various outputs, 2 x analog delay line (SAD 4096 based). First one has panner/cross-faders, second has space for wave shapers and other misc. Space for two more modules. Monster 2: 2 sample holds w/space for 2 more (or other), stereo mixer with cross-faders, power connect, 2 x phase/filter, control panel for velocity/pressure module and shephard function generator, cross-faders and output mixer. Keyboard has gate delay, range, interval (for microtones, can be switched in or out), and two joysticks, normalled to +/- 5volts but patchable.