From Mon Sep 12 10:03:48 1994 Date: Fri, 9 Sep 94 23:25 CDT From: Lian Lin To: Mike, 2016 has 16 1/4" in front and 16 RCA in rear. 16 Gain knobs, 16 Pan pots, AUX 1, 2, 3, 4 level knobs, line 1 and 2 Master level knobs, Aux sends and returns level knobs and jacks in the back. Link line and aux switch, line 1 and 2 buss inputs. Frequency response 20 hz to 20k hz, S/N ratio 80dB, distortion 0.01% (100 hz - 10khz), crosstalk 65dB (1khz) Input -10dBV, Aux Rtn -20dBV, Line/Aux bus -10dBV. Thanks, Lian From Fri Nov 11 12:25:11 1994 Date: 18 Sep 1994 20:22:14 GMT From: Newsgroups: Subject: FOR SALE!!!!! Fostex 2016 16channel Mixer I have a Fostex 2016 16 channel line mixer for sale. It is in great condition and only a year and a few months old. I bought it for $320.00 new and I would like to sell it for about $210 including shipping. Specs: 16 RCA and 1/4" inputs 2 Main Stereo output pairs 4 aux sends and returns 2 stereo pair line busses 4 aux busses +4db output and much much more..... It is a really good unit for keyboards and effects. E-mail me if you are interested.