From Tue Aug 30 15:08:41 1994 Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 12:52:50 -0400 (EDT) From: "William M. Maciejewski" To: Subject: spring reverb plans, attempt #two somebody please mail me if you see this! thanks Well, here's what you've all been waiting for. Sorry bout the delays. Anyway, I don't have a scanner, so I typed this in last night (at 1am, hopefully I copied it right). If it's unreadable you might want to check the source directly, the book's at the bottom. I hope I'm not violating any laws by posting this. I haven't tried building the thing, since I don't have any spring boxes, but it doesn't look too complicated. There was no info on which box to use, so I suppose we take our chances. in-+-+---+ +---+------------+------+-----+----------+---+ | | | | | | | | | | gnd | C1 R3 R4 | | | | | | | | | | | R7 | | | | | +-----+ +--+ | | | on/off | | | | | | | | | | S1 | +---+--Q1 | / C2 | | | | R1 | | +----Q2 | R6 | / | | R2 R5 \ gnd | +-------Q4 +-o +30v | | | +-----+ | | \ | gnd | | +--+ | | | | R10 | / +---+ | +---+ | +--C4--+------Q3 | | | | | | | | \ C6 R13 | C3 R9 | | R11 | | | | | | | | | +---+ +->R14 bal | +-+-+ | | gnd | | | | | | | | | C5 R12 R15 +-+-+ | gnd | | | | | | | +----+ | +-+-+ | gnd | | | | | | +-reverb-+ gnd | | |spring| | | +--unit--+ | | | | | | gnd gnd | | | +----------------------------------------+------+out | Parts List gnd R1 2.2k R8 not there R15 2.2k Q1 TIS58 R2 1.5m R9 10k C1 .01uF Q2 GE20 R3 22m R10 2.2k C2 100uF Q3 GE20 R4 47k R11 10k C3 5uF Q4 GE20 R5 3.3k R12 10k C4 5uF R6 100k R13 10k C5 30uF R7 47k R14 15k pot C6 10uF Schematic from Brown & Olsen, "Experimenting with Electronic Music," pages 101-104. I hope this is readable format. It's my first attempt at putting circuits in ascii. Let me know if it works out. Also, R8 isn't on the diagram. Seems that they skipped over it? Is something missing? Only "Brown & Olsen" know for sure. :) p.s. this is the same book that the "theremin" circuit that's out on the net came from. enjoy -bill